For normal skin type. Helps to balance Kapha dosha.
Note: The ingredients used to make this cream are all natural, and thus are sensitive to temperature. It can go from liquid, to solid, to grainy. That’s totally normal, and doesn’t change the quality or effectiveness at all. The suggested temperature to store this product is 65-70 degrees Fahrenheit.
Manjistha known as rubia cordifolia is a climbing medicinal plant found in the Himalayas. It helps the reduction of toxic reactions caused by detoxification. This herb is considered the best herb for blood purification since it supports detoxification when toxins are removed from the body. It heals a variety of skin problems including eczema, psoriasis since the skin is a detoxifying organ.
Tulsi or Indian holy basil or ocimum tenuiflorum has numerous benefits for health and beauty. It is known to strengthen immunity, and is antibacterial, antiseptic and antiviral. Also helps to treat a variety of skin disorders.